Friday, September 24, 2010

Fighting for your rights is expected these days yet when you are sick is it possible?

Hate crimes are the most frequent cause of disabilities. Hate crimes where the result is a severe disability are the least often addressed by establishment law. Just as other minorities have had to develop services to address their own minority interests, a long history of neglect of the labelled and disabled requires that secondary institutions dramatically alter their responsiveness or provide special services. A school educating people about the needs of vulnerable people may be our only recourse. (see:

Thus far most often hate bewilders the victim disabled person. It does not seem possible that daily thesis-like explanations are expected of why handicapped, chronically injured or severely disabled people should be served, and as well as the so called healthy, normal population and to the point of super health.

Hate can take many forms. It can mean the initial maiming, further maiming, being locked away somewhere, and being denied normal polite social interaction. The process may be : they hate me so they maimed me, the maimed person is hated , the maimed person is hated and remaimed, the maimed person reminds the person of the crime the perpetrator committed so an attempted murder occurs. In a housind or service situation, controlling behavior may be an expression of an uninspired career care giver's resentment that somehow someone less than themselves is receiving services and privileges that they cannot themselves always justify, rationalize or defend because they are career/money inspired alone and are undertrained. For this reason, we find circumstances where vets, people having given time in human services, and consumer care givers are abused, starved, ignored, cheated, brutally abused and denied services. The career care giver may assume they know what is best for the disabled person though the person has spent years studying and in interaction with carefully chosen professionals and caring workers. Financial cuts and gov. cutbacks mean that the memory of accidental injury and injuries of war may seem to career care givers like something that doesn't happen to them or their kind. Fires, work accidents, hate crimes are hazed over as though society and career care givers have no need to be human.

How is hatred manifested? Hatred means that consideration and respect normally and liberally accorded to most citizens is absolutely denied the vulnerable. A career care giver may enter your dwelling illegally dropping cigarette butts on the floor of a non smoker, steal or spoil food intentionally so that more expensive options are the only choice requiring extraordinary measures to accomplish daily tasks eg. emergency funds are required/money is used up early. Invading your space in this manner has been called an act of rape. In the worst circumstances, the accomodation is at risk eg. even by bombing. Looting will also occur. Food, writing, intellectual property, items that a labelled person likes in particular, winter clothing or clothing that has been customized to accomodate the handicap are the likely targets.

When you hire a career care giver ie. someone that has been hired because of nepotism, in a crunch and is untrained or uninterested in the disabled people, you are more likely to risk financial, physical, sexual, emotional abuse and neglect.(see: pamphlet Abuse of People with Disabilities by the Peoples Law school). The career care giver may assume an authority not legally sanctioned, requested or contracted in order to exploit or cheat and to commit acts of fraud. The fraud today extends to stealing from resumes, to stealing emf (electromagnetic calques) of the body of an individual for the purposes of identity theft, to enhance personal sales, to promote self or someone else in a specific populaiton, and to cheat of intellectual or real property. Reprisal for complaints may take the form of cutting off of disability checks or preventing a person obstructed with a fence to meet court dates etc.  This is so because the career care giver is not interested in the person. Bizarre situations are currently the norm since recent government cutbacks and hate for social programs mean that dollars spent on caring for the vulnerable are treated jealously and very often the notion of prostitution enters into the equation and old world notions of fending for yourself that the career care giver wouldn't dream of applying to  themselves. For example, an administration may relax privacy and confidentiality requirements to the point that financial advisers discuss how the $425.00 allocated will be spent in a month and encourage with logistics, prefered services/sponsoring services and fences eating habits and spending that do not meet the individuals needs. Today some career caregivers are so conservative with their understanding that ergonmics use on the handicapped has become an environmental crime as well as a crime of hatred. Feedback from individual members of the vulnerable populations is disregarded, disparaged, discounted, twisted, and hated as much as recall of the torture that a perpetrator may have commited. So in todays Canada under the Harper government disabled people or so labelled may be subjected to elaborate plans for their weekly routine under security system designs that initiate negative feedback for buying that doesn't meet career caregiver's kickback expectations. Ergonomics by the March of Dimes may mean, for example, pushing and shoving by an emf that the vulnerable person never encounters as a humanoid and involves illegal dumping of radiation at doses that are illegal and with the use of illegal weapons. Decisions by the Harper government to hurry their agenda mean the use of depo provera once again on the disabled population to quell supposed abnormal and prurient interests. Narcotics and benzodiazapines are used often and illegally to dull the senses. Food may be poisoned or contaminated with unregulated and toxic substances. Restraint has always been a nightmare for those who are threatened with confinement. Restraint and illegal and disfiguring confinement is often meant for someone who has hurt you before by being good at a task you fail at or knows something you don't etc. Restraint and crippling  is also justified to prevent sexuality by the people who rejected you. Access to germ warfare and computers by people who have not come to terms with their own mental health issues may mean disease and illness for otherwise careful and unsuspecting populations because of hatred.

The cop feel means rape by the security system from behind a blind. Titillation with crippling  in a neglected population excused as service, care and concern and even for big money is the everyday reality and insult for many vulnerable people many forced out of housing and even killed in the streets. (see: Alberta neglect among elderly and disabled).

The emotional abuse forced on vulnerable people may seem trivial in comparison but it isn't. Surrepticious surveillance may deny a persons history, experiences, qualifications to erase their memory, to make them feel denuded of their humanity. Just as taking a persons clothing in prison or institutional  contexts has often been intentionally used to depersonalize and eliminate complaints, criminalization of the vulnerable is common in todays pro war conservative government. Psychologists seem more often than not military oriented using feedback techniques that amount to torture and in common cases today justify exploitation of vulnerable people to confuse, to make them slip into exploitative dynamics and to threaten to cause responses allowing exploitation. Looting of even heirlooms or personal writing is done to diminish a hated person to enhance your own worth  or to deny legal processeds eg. obstruction of justice. Shaming someone with an interpretation of vulnerability that is involves eugenics /fascism admiring means that the vulnerable person has become an object of hatred, a victim and exploitable. Terrorizing,  rape, murder or the equivalent missing without trace of disabled people is the most frequent incident that hits the media. What is ironically called roma is when someones wheelchair or walking equipment is stolen. When customized footwear or items that are memorabila for a personal history important only to the individual disabled person is denied them in order to humiliate, cause confusion and depression. They may be terrorized into wanting to die rather than live repeated incidents of hatred. Thus today there are broadcasts about rendering plants, and dissipation units where those who have hit depressions low in the face of repeated acts of hatred and the constant replay of failed saving. People are coerced into agreeing, giving consent to situations they never would have otherwise considered. The technique is defended as a screening or tough love but sanctions are not applied equitable nor are the tests/ trials.

What is typically meant by neglect is that the career caregiver may refuse service or influence denial of services  to a person who has complained in even a minor way about them despite legitimate need. Overdosing, malnourishment, inhumane treatment and intolerable circumstances may be overlooked as though the career caregiver is unaware of their hatred and resentment. It is not unusual in an institutional setting to find that a person will be denied food as punishment, to punish squeaky wheels, to punish those requiring special and seemingly cumbersome accomodations eg.vegan diets. The vulnerable are often isolated and then blacklisted for general services, forbidden to form groups and revictimized. A person may not receive care entitled to when gravely ill. The career caregiver may refuse a consultation that reminds the person they have neglected someone in convulsions/coma or caused such a state to occur for their amusement or to punish. eg. this is a true and verifiable incident. Services to housekeep may mean life and death for a gravely ill person and these are typically denied by the Harper government and local provincial governments in the west especially. The person is allowed to become enfeebled with bedsores, poor care and further in order to prevent complaints prescription glasses, rehabilitation equipment and reading material that enhances self help may be denied to humiliate, to enforce a power relationship. In the extreme of a militaristic government the interests moves from favoring only some casualties to denying services for the hewed as marks, prey or kill. Germ warfare, pissing in someones dwelling and petty theft may be justified as mercy killing acts to tip the scale in favor of the favoured recipient if any are. Obviously, mental health concerns are minimized. Normal social interactions and greetings are forbidden to vulnerable people and in fact the belief is held that they have no social rights, no rights accorded human beings. So people are abused to see if they will growl for their food etc.

Caregivers in a militaristic environment are also pimped. Like the clients they are subjected to dangerous ergonomic procedures denying their humanity and individual differences. Organizations like the March of Dimes pimp volunteers in order to avoid  salaries and to do away with longterm contract provisions. They hire students to remove the obligations of accountability and it is thus typical in Canadian society to see instances of extreme hatred directed publically at handicapped and vulnerable individuals or to see people maimed into disability but the bluff may never be called.

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